STK Training
Coming Up Next:
The next serial of STKSpace will be held at Space Strategies Consulting Ltd in Kanata, 28-30 Jan 2025. This course features the key space mission modelling capabilities of Ansys' STK Premium Space product - propagators, attitude control, maneuvers, satellite/constellation coverage, collision avoidance, etc. Prepare your team with solid, hands-on digital space mission modelling skills. Register now before this course (max 8 seats) is full-up!
STK, or Systems Tool Kit, from Ansys, is a dynamic analysis and visualization environment for engineers, scientists, operators, and mission planners.
We offer multiple STK training options to help you make the most out of your experience. Take our STKCore® course to learn the fundamentals and capabilities of Ansys' STK Pro modelling program, build on your existing knowledge with a focus on space-related capabilities through our STKSpace course, or inquire about setting up custom training to best suit your needs! Explore below to learn more about the different options.
To inquire about the different training options or upcoming sessions, or to register for a course, send us a message through the Contact Us section below.
Course Description
STKCore® is focused, hands-on training on Ansys' industry-standard analysis and visualization software, Systems Tool Kit (STK). It emphasizes and explores the key skills and knowledge regarding STK's business logic in order to create, modify, analyze, and obtain output from STK scenarios.
STKCore® includes exposure to the core capabilities of Ansys' STK Pro product which includes sensors, coverage analysis, communications and RADAR systems analysis, and much more. Attendees will develop and hone their skills to develop and produce impactful output from STK such as images, movies, reports, and graphs. This output can enhance proposals and projects, and can be an important value-add for decision papers and concept studies
Who Should Attend
New Users to STK Pro — Develop new digital mission modeling workplace skills.
Returning Users to STK Pro — Renew your skills and secure your STK Pro investment to provide a positive impact to your organization.
What You Will Learn
Core Capabilities of Ansys STK Pro: Via instructor-led exercises, attendees will develop hands-on skills in developing multi-domain scenarios and conducting mission analysis with the goal to produce insightful and impactful output for better decisions regarding complex systems.

Course Description
STKSpace focuses on the use and capabilities of STK® Premium (Space). This course builds upon the skills and knowledge acquired from STKCore® and is designed to expose the major space capabilities of STK.
Who Should Attend
Attendees should have some existing skills in STK. This course assumes the student is already somewhat familiar with STK business logic and is already capable of creating scenarios, adding objects, generating reports, graphs and movies, etc.
New STK users should consider taking our STKCore course (described above) before considering STKSpace.
What You Will Learn
This course will focus on space-related capabilities, such as:
Orbit types
Orbit propagation & trajectories
Space Environment including radiation, debris, magnetic field
Space-based Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR)
Space-based communications (from LEO to GEO and beyond)
Orbital maneuvers, Rendez-vous & Proximity Operations (RPO)
Spacecraft attitude dynamics
Conjunction Analysis in Space
Satellite Constellation analysis

Custom Training

Do you have unique training needs not covered by our other courses? Our team of STK experts will develop a custom, client-specific training program designed to meet your needs.
Simply contact us using the form below and our team will reach out to design and facilitate your customized STK training.
Contact Us
Interested in STK training? Have questions? Want to register for a course?
Send us a message below!