Introduction to Space Applications
Course Details
September, 2024
SSCL Offices
260 Hearst Way, Suite 401
Kanata (Hwy 417 @ Eagleson Rd)
Virtual registration available for those outside of Ottawa
Course Registration Fee
$2000 +HST per person
For more information, contact kelly@sscl.solutions
Since the launch of the space age with Sputnik 1 in 1957, Canada, like all modern nations, has become increasingly dependent on space-based capabilities. Today it is safe to say that virtually every aspect of Canadian life and, therefore, every government function, is directly or indirectly impacted by space capabilities. Yet few in government have even a basic appreciation of the space environment, the critical systems and capabilities operating from it, and how to leverage them.
This course addresses that gap by providing a basic understanding of the uses of space for commercial, civil and national security applications in a seminar style environment. The focus is on ensuring attendees gain an appreciation for the policy, regulatory, applications and operational aspects of the Canadian space programme.
This course, presented by experts in their fields, provides a unique opportunity for public servants and individuals in the commercial sector to better understand the complexities of the space environment, mission design and applications.
Following completion of the course, the attendees will have the knowledge and understanding to more effectively execute their duties and responsibilities.

Day 1
Course Introduction
Exploiting Space
Past, Present, Future
The Space Physical Environment
Boundaries, weather, radiation, debris, terminology, and orbital mechanics
Health Break
The Space Operational Environment
The Space Policy Environment
Cold war origins, outer space treaty,
national regulations, and new challenges
LUNCH (bring your own or Tommy's)
Spacecraft and Mission Design
Mission architecture, mission design,
launch, ground station, sensors,
big data analytics, and digital mission engineering
Health Break
Satellite-based Navigation
Summary, Q&A
Day One End
Day 2
Opening Remarks
Satellite Communications
Radio communications, why satellites, and new mega-constellations
Health Break
Earth Observation
Space surveillance applications, advanced radar, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and Canada’s role in the world stage
Space Exploration
The history of space exploration by both human and unmanned space travel
LUNCH (bring your own or Tommy's)
Guest Speaker One (Brigadier-General Michael Adamson)
Guest Speaker Two (to be confirmed)
Health Break
Round Table Discussion
Summary, Q&A
Course End
Our Instructor Cadre has extensive experience in the Civil, Commercial and National Security space domains. Their areas of expertise covers the entire range of space missions from operations, mission design, acquisition and international programme coordination.

William Jefferies has 40+ years international experience in operational Remote Sensing for commercial and defence users, including radar, optical, thermal & potential field sensors. He spent 18 years managing development and operations of RADARSAT 1 & 2. He was Executive Director of LOOKNorth, a Canadian Centre of Excellence helping Canadian SMEs commercialize innovative EO technologies.

Dr. Chad English brings 24 years experience in the space sector. At Neptec Design Group, now MDA, he performed flight operations, mission support, testing, certification, R&D, and project management for multiple space sensor systems, culminating as Director of R&D. He has since worked at the National Research Council and then as a consultant providing advice on space-related M&A, R&D, business development, and corporate strategy.

Scott Jones brings 35 years of experience in the CAF to the SSCL team, including the creation, operational use and support of Space, Missile Defence and Intelligence capabilities with his most recent focus being on Space policy and strategic planning at National Defence Headquarters.

Michael Groh has nearly 40 years’ experience in the Canadian Armed Forces, Department of National Defense and Government of Canada, delivering large-scale complex IT and communications projects. Leading projects that connected CAF and DND to the Internet, while deployed with NATO, connecting deployed units, with the Afghan Mission Network, to their commanders at the operational and strategic levels, and deployed CAF troops through DND’s Wideband Global SATCOM system.

Paul Heenan is a 42-year Canadian Army artillery veteran. The last 15 years of his career was spent working in joint operations. As Lead to the Afghanistan Information Operations Campaign Plan, he was responsible for the coordination of supporting functions including Electronic Warfare and the assurance of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) information from the Global Positioning System (GPS). As Acting and Deputy Director of the Space Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR) program he worked at integrating PNT assurance into the Canadian Armed Forces, directing R&D initiatives and exercises, and maintaining and fostering collaboration through Five-Eyes and NATO engagement. After retirement he supported the DND Polar Epsilon 2 Project, (space-based Earth observation) with testing and evaluation until 2022. He brings to SSCL advice and experience regarding space-based navigation and PNT assurance.

Col. (Ret) Andre Dupuis retired from the Canadian Armed Forces as the Director of Space requirements., responsible for the requirements definition, space mission design and acquisition oversight of the Department of National Defence’s national security space programme
Guest Speakers
We are pleased to announce that we will be joined by Brigadier-General Michael Adamson as one of the guest speakers for our upcoming sessions! BGen Adamson brings 30+ years of experience with the RCAF and is the current Commander of 3 Canadian Space Division.
The second guest speaker is still to be confirmed.